Arza Live User Registration Agreement

Effective from January 1, 2024

This "User Registration Agreement" is a legally binding agreement between you (hereinafter referred to as "User") and Arza Live (hereinafter referred to as "Arza Live"), which you must sign before using certain features of the software products and online services (collectively referred to as "Arza Live Products and Services") produced or operated by Arza Live or its designated affiliates or partners.

Important Notice—Before signing this agreement, Arza Live solemnly reminds the user:
1.1. You should carefully read (if you are a minor, read it with the accompaniment of a guardian) and fully understand the various terms in this "User Registration Agreement," including terms that exempt or limit Arza Live's liability, terms that restrict the user's rights, and terms that specify applicable laws and dispute resolution. If you have any questions about the terms of this agreement, you can consult customer service.

1.2. Unless you accept this agreement, users have no right and should not accept Arza Live's Products and Services provided to registered users. You may exit the registration process. By clicking "Agree and Register Account," "Accept," or similar buttons, or by actually using Arza Live's Services provided to registered users, you are deemed to have fully accepted and signed this agreement.

1.3. Once this agreement is signed, it has legal effect, so please consider carefully whether to accept this agreement.

1.4. After you sign this agreement, the text of this agreement may be modified due to changes in national policies, product features and forms, operation plans, and the environment for performing this agreement. The modified agreement will be published on this website/software, and you can view it at any time. If you have objections to the modified agreement, please stop logging in and stop using Arza Live Products and Services immediately. If you log in or continue to use Arza Live Products, it is deemed that you accept and agree to be bound by the modified agreement.

About "Arza Live Account"
2.1. Arza Live provides user registration channels through various products and services, including but not limited to mobile applications and other websites and software. Regardless of the registration channel you use and accept this agreement, this agreement applies to all Arza Live Products and Services, and has the same legal effect.

2.2. After accepting this agreement, users have the right to choose a character combination allowed by the system and not used by other users as their Arza Live account name and set a password that meets security requirements. The account name and password set by the user are credentials for logging in and using Arza Live Products and Services, as well as vouchers for holding virtual currency and virtual items.

2.3. After successfully registering the Arza Live account, Arza Live will automatically assign a Arza Live number to the user according to the system rules. The Arza Live number, like the Arza Live account name, is an identification credential for users to log in and use Arza Live Products and Services.

2.4. The legal nature of the Arza Live account is a credential granted by Arza Live to users to use specific products and services. The Arza Live account (including its account name and Arza Live number) is part of the corresponding computer software works and online services provided by Arza Live, and it is the authorization credential that Arza Live grants to registered users to use the corresponding computer software works and online services.

2.5. The Arza Live account also carries user usage data and information, serving as a credential for users to hold and use related virtual currency and virtual items. If users need to receive value-added services provided by Arza Live, the Arza Live account is also the voucher for users to pay fees and receive value-added services.

2.6. Registering an Arza Live account does not mean that the user has obtained authorization for all Arza Live Products and Services. Users may need to sign separate authorization agreements for individual products when logging in to web pages, loading applications, downloading and installing software.

2.7. In accordance with legal requirements, policies, and/or Arza Live platform rules and announcements (defined below), registered users are required to complete real-name authentication. Arza Live accounts are limited to personal use by the registered user on websites and software owned or operated by Arza Live (or its affiliates or partners). Giving, lending, renting, transferring, or selling to any third party is prohibited. If Arza Live discovers that the actual user of the Arza Live account is not the account registrant, Arza Live has the right to reclaim the account without notice and without legal responsibility to the account user or registrant. The user shall bear any losses, including but not limited to communication interruption and the clearing of user data, virtual currency, and virtual items, resulting from this.

2.8. Users should properly keep their Arza Live accounts and passwords and should not disclose passwords to anyone else. All activities under the user's Arza Live account are considered the user's own actions, and the user is fully responsible for such activities. Users should pay attention to the protection of Arza Live account passwords. If users find that others are using their accounts without permission, they should immediately notify Arza Live.

2.9. In the event of a lost or forgotten Arza Live account password, users can appeal and request to recover the account following Arza Live's appeal process. Users should continuously provide personal password protection information that enhances account security. Users can apply to recover the account by filling out an appeal form with the initial registration information and personal password protection information. Arza Live's password recovery mechanism is only responsible for identifying whether the information filled out in the appeal form matches the system record information, and it cannot verify whether the appellant is the rightful user of the Arza Live account. Arza Live does not assume any responsibility for losses caused by false appeals made by others in the user's name, within the limits permitted by law. Users understand that the responsibility for safeguarding Arza Live account passwords lies with the user, and Arza Live does not guarantee that users can recover their accounts through appeals after losing their Arza Live account or forgetting their password.

2.10. Users guarantee that the identity and other information provided during Arza Live account registration and subsequent use are true. Users are responsible for any illegal, false, or inaccurate user information, and users should update registration information promptly when changes occur. All information provided by users to Arza Live may affect the user's use of Arza Live accounts. Arza Live is not responsible for any issues arising from false registration information, as well as the consequences of such issues.

2.11. Ownership of the Arza Live account (including its account name and Arza Live number) belongs to Arza Live. Arza Live has the right to release platform rules and announcements (referred to as "platform rules and announcements") applicable to all or part of the products and services according to operational needs. Users must comply with various platform rules and announcements issued by Arza Live during the use of Arza Live Products and Services.

2.12. If users violate laws and regulations, this agreement, independent agreements or platform rules and announcements of various Arza Live products and services, Arza Live has the right to make determinations based on relevant rules and take corresponding restrictive or punitive measures. These measures include but are not limited to restricting or freezing the user's use of the Arza Live account, restricting or stopping specific products, services, or functions (such as live streaming), deducting the deposit that the user has paid to Arza Live, and reducing the income that the user can obtain under Arza Live Products and Services. When a user's behavior violates two or more of the above-mentioned rules, and the criteria or restrictions/punishments specified in these rules are inconsistent, Arza Live has the right to choose the most appropriate one. Arza Live has the right to terminate the above restrictions or punitive measures based on the actual situation and when it deems appropriate.

2.13. In order to fully utilize Arza Live account resources, if users have not logged in and used Arza Live accounts for a long time, Arza Live has the right to reclaim, replace, or terminate the use of the Arza Live account, and has the right to clear all information, data, and records carried by the Arza Live account.

2.14. Arza Live may restrict, freeze, reclaim, replace, or terminate the user's use of the Arza Live account according to platform rules and announcements, which may cause losses to users. Users bear these losses, and Arza Live is not liable.

Users are not allowed to engage in the following behaviors:
3.1. Using Arza Live Products and Services to publish, transmit, spread, or store content that endangers the national security of your country, or that is insulting, defamatory, pornographic, violent, disturbing to others, or violates the laws, regulations, or policies of your country. This includes but is not limited to setting and using Arza Live account names, nicknames, usernames, character names, etc., that contain the aforementioned content.

3.2. Using Arza Live Products and Services to publish, transmit, spread, or store content that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of others, such as intellectual property rights, trade secrets, portrait rights, and privacy rights.

3.3. Engaging in any actions that harm network security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts; unauthorized access to public computer networks or other computer systems and deleting, modifying, or adding stored information; attempting to explore, scan, or test the weaknesses of the software system/website/network constituting Arza Live Products and Services or other behaviors that intentionally probe, scan, and test the weaknesses of the normal operation of the aforementioned software system/website/network; attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of the aforementioned software system/website/network, deliberately spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other actions that damage or interfere with normal network information services; and forging packet names or parts thereof or content.

3.4. Engaging in any behavior that disrupts the fairness of Arza Live Products and Services or other behaviors that affect the normal order of Arza Live Products and Services, such as actively or passively colluding in cheating, using cheats, or modifying software, exploiting bugs (also known as "vulnerabilities" or "defects") to gain unfair and illegal benefits, or publicly exposing cheats, cheat software, and bugs through the Internet or other means.

3.5. Conducting any commercial activities such as advertising or selling goods without prior permission from Arza Live, or engaging in any illegal actions that may infringe on Arza Live's legitimate interests, such as selling Arza Live coins, game coins, cheats, virtual items, etc.

3.6. Engaging in any other illegal activities or activities that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, companies, social groups, organizations, and any violations of independent agreements of Arza Live Products and Services or platform rules and announcements.

User Risk Warning
4.1. Users must understand and accept that when using Arza Live Products and Services, there may be risks of receiving threatening, defamatory, offensive, or illegal content or behavior from any third party, or risks of anonymous or impersonated information that infringes on the rights of others (including intellectual property rights). These risks are not caused by Arza Live, and users must bear these risks. Arza Live Products and Services are provided "as is," and Arza Live does not guarantee, whether expressed or implied, the authenticity, appropriateness, suitability for a particular purpose, ownership, and non-infringement, etc. Arza Live is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, and subsequent damages caused by users' unjust or illegal use of Arza Live Products and Services, and to the extent permitted by law, Arza Live is not liable.

4.2. Users must use Arza Live Products and Services in compliance with the laws, regulations, and policies of their respective countries. Users must strictly comply with this agreement, platform rules, and announcements, and users are fully responsible for any liability arising from their illegal or non-compliant use (including but not limited to speech, content transmission, etc.).

4.3. Arza Live's products and services, like most software products and online services, may face various security issues caused by weak security awareness and careless behavior by users, including but not limited to:

After disclosing personal information, it may be used by unlawful elements, resulting in harassment in real life.
Deceived by others, passwords cracked, resulting in economic losses.
Being deceived by fabricated lies by others, being cheated of money or suffering other losses.
Downloading and installing other software containing viruses, "Trojan horses," and other malicious programs, threatening the security of information and data on personal computers or other computing devices, thereby threatening the use of Arza Live Products and Services. Users are responsible for these situations. If users experience these situations, which may threaten Arza Live or other users, Arza Live has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of products and services to the user without notice. Users bear the losses caused by this, and Arza Live is not responsible.
4.4. Users must understand and agree that Arza Live, for the overall operation needs of its services, has the right to modify or interrupt, suspend, or terminate its products and services after announcing it without notifying you in advance. Arza Live does not need to bear any compensation responsibility to you or third parties for this.

4.5. Users must understand and agree that due to the rapid development of Internet technology and the characteristics influenced by multiple factors, changes in government regulatory policies, interruptions in basic telecommunications services, virus invasions, hacker attacks, server system crashes, or other risks that current technology cannot foresee, avoid, or resolve quickly may occur. The above-mentioned risks may cause interruptions in Arza Live Products and Services and/or loss of data, loss of virtual currency or virtual items under Arza Live accounts, etc. Arza Live will try to repair it, but users must ultimately bear such losses caused by non-human factors.

4.6. If users generate income through Arza Live products and services, they should manage their income balance properly and withdraw it in a timely manner. Arza Live is not obligated to bear responsibility for any loss of such income incurred due to Arza Live's intentional misconduct or gross negligence, or for the deduction or removal of such income in accordance with platform rules and announcements. Arza Live has the right to withhold taxes on user income and withdrawal amounts as required by laws and regulations. Arza Live is entitled to offset payment obligations mutually owed between itself and the user.

Intellectual Property
5.1. Each component of Arza Live products and services, including but not limited to the Arza Live-operated website, web applications, desktop and mobile software, and their elements such as text, images, videos, audio, trademarks, service marks, logos used by Arza Live, and patents used to implement such products and services, are protected by intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademark exclusive rights, and patent rights, owned by Arza Live (or rights holders recognized by Arza Live) unless otherwise explicitly agreed. Any content in this agreement and any user interaction during the use of Arza Live products and services should not be considered as granting, licensing, or transferring such intellectual property rights to the user.

5.2. Users are not allowed to engage in operations such as reverse engineering, disassembling, decompiling, sniffing, tracking, or cracking related web pages, applications, software, etc., protected by intellectual property rights, in connection with Arza Live products and services.

5.3. Users may only use Arza Live's intellectual property within the scope authorized by this agreement and the corresponding licensing agreement. Unauthorized or excessive use beyond the authorized scope constitutes infringement of Arza Live's rights.

5.4. Users retain the copyright to the content they create, such as text, images, videos, software, and performances, published and uploaded while using Arza Live products and services. However, the user's act of publishing and uploading is considered a non-exclusive (unless otherwise explicitly agreed), irrevocable, fee-free, and permanent authorization to Arza Live. This authorization can be sub-licensed and transferred. Arza Live may use the aforementioned content on Arza Live products and services, either after re-editing or by authorizing third parties to use it.

5.5. If there is a situation where information provided by Arza Live products and services or information uploaded, stored, and disseminated by other users infringes your or a third party's intellectual property rights, Arza Live provides a complaint channel. Please send an email to to file a complaint.

Privacy Protection
6.1. Users are advised to be cautious and avoid disclosing various important information, such as property accounts, bank cards, credit cards, third-party payment accounts, corresponding passwords, personal identity information, family member information, etc., while using Arza Live products and services. Any loss resulting from this should be borne by the user. Arza Live staff will not request your account password in any way, nor will they ask you to make payments to non-Arza Live accounts.

6.2. User Arza Live accounts and passwords are confidential information, and Arza Live will take active measures to protect the security of user accounts and passwords. Users should also take good care of such passwords and the mobile phone bound to the Arza Live account to prevent the account from being used by others.

6.3. User registration information is protected as a trade secret of Arza Live. However, users understand that the openness of the Internet and rapid technological updates may result in the leakage of user information beyond Arza Live's control. Arza Live is not responsible for such leakage within the legal limits.

6.4. Users should not publish or upload information considered private while using Arza Live-operated products and services, nor should they disseminate such information through Arza Live's services to others. If users insist on such behavior and it leads to privacy leaks, they will bear the responsibility.

6.5. Arza Live may collect users' personal information while providing services. Arza Live will inform users clearly, and usually, the information is limited to user names, gender, age, date of birth, ID card number, home address, education level, company information, industry affiliation, hobbies, etc. For better service, Arza Live may also record and analyze users' technical information and usage conditions, such as device identifiers (e.g., IMEI codes, MAC addresses, etc.), login and logout times, IP addresses, geographical locations, system versions, etc. Users hereby authorize Arza Live to obtain and reasonably use the aforementioned information. Arza Live shall properly safeguard this information and may not disclose it to third parties without user consent, except for legally required disclosures or disclosures that cannot be restored to the original personal data (such as disclosure based on statistical data from "big data").

6.6. Arza Live does not assume any legal responsibility, within the limits permitted by law, for the following related matters:

Arza Live provides your personal information according to legal requirements or requests from relevant government or judicial authorities;
Any personal information leakage caused by the user telling others the user's password or "sharing" the Arza Live account with others, or other personal information leaks not caused by Arza Live;
Information leakage caused by hacker attacks, computer virus intrusions, or other illegal acts by others;
Information leakage caused by force majeure.
Other Terms
7.1. The signing, interpretation, performance, and dispute resolution of this agreement are subject to the laws and regulations of the actual operating location of this platform, explicitly excluding the application of conflicting regulations.

7.2. The signing location of this agreement is the main performance location of Arza Live. Unless otherwise explicitly agreed, if a dispute arises between the user and Arza Live regarding the terms of this agreement or Arza Live products and services, the dispute should be submitted to the operational location of Arza Live for resolution.

7.3. This agreement is published on the website or user interface of Arza Live's relevant products and services and is legally binding on Arza Live. Once the user clicks "Agree and Register an Account," "Accept," or similar buttons or actually uses the services provided by Arza Live to registered users, it is deemed as acceptance of this agreement, and this agreement becomes legally binding on the user.

7.4. When users use specific websites, web applications, software, services, etc., under Arza Live, they may need to sign additional software licenses and service agreements. Agreements applicable to specific products or services should prevail within the scope of those specific products and services if there is a conflict with this agreement.

7.5. In case of any inconsistency between this version and other language versions of this agreement, this version shall prevail.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at