Arza Live Apple Payment and Auto-Renewal Service Agreement

Effective from January 1, 2024

I. Acceptance and Modification of Service Terms
This agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is an agreement between Arza Live (hereinafter referred to as "Arza") and Arza members (hereinafter referred to as "members" or "you") regarding the use of Arza's auto-renewal delegation and deduction service (hereinafter referred to as "this service"). This Agreement constitutes an agreement between Arza and members regarding the use of this service and other related rights and obligations. "Members" refers to individuals or single entities enjoying Arza's membership services.

Please read this Agreement carefully to ensure that you fully understand each term, including the terms exempting Arza from liability and restricting members.

This Agreement constitutes a prerequisite for members (whether individuals or entities) to use the services provided by Arza. Without accepting the terms of this Agreement, you have no right to use this service. Your choice to use this service will be considered as agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

II. Service Description

This service is designed to meet members' needs for automatic renewal. If a member has activated this service, it aims to prevent losses caused by negligence or other reasons for failing to renew in a timely manner. You authorize Arza to deduct the subscription fee for the next billing cycle (including 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months) from your own recharge account, the third-party payment account bound to the member's account, or the bank card (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "account") when the member's validity period is about to expire. The premise of this service is that the member has bound their Arza member account to the above account, and the deduction can be successfully made from the account.

Auto-renewal specifically refers to Arza deducting the subscription fee for the next billing cycle through the above account based on the premise of the first article of this Agreement. Members must ensure that Arza can deduct from the above account. If the renewal fails due to insufficient funds in the above account, the member shall bear the responsibility.

When members enjoy this service, they should also be bound by the "Arza User Agreement" and the "Arza Membership Agreement."

This service is only available to members on the Arza platform. Any behavior that separates the content of this service from the Arza platform through malicious cracking or other illegal means is prohibited. The legal consequences arising from such actions are the responsibility of the actor, and Arza will pursue the legal responsibilities of the actor in accordance with the law.

III. Rights and Obligations of Both Parties

Arza is responsible for providing members with specific information about the charging details of auto-renewal. If you need an invoice for the membership service fee, please contact customer service.

Arza deducts the subscription fee for the next billing cycle through this service and notifies you in the form of an internal message 5 days before the deduction. Please pay attention to the deduction notice. The amount deducted for auto-renewal will be recorded in the member's payment records, and the member's validity period will be extended accordingly.

In the event of an error during the deduction process, Arza and the member should cooperate closely to identify the cause, with each party bearing its own losses due to its own fault. If losses are caused by unequal faults of both parties, both parties will bear corresponding responsibilities according to the degree of fault, and if both parties are jointly responsible, the responsibility will be shared.

Arza may change or modify the relevant service content, rules, and terms of this Agreement based on its business development or technological upgrades. The updated content will be announced on relevant pages. Once the updated content is announced, it will replace the original agreement content without further notice. Please check the latest version in a timely manner within the App. If a member does not agree to the modified terms of the agreement, they can cancel the obtained services and stop using them. If you continue to use this service, it will be deemed that you have accepted all the modifications to this Agreement.

The opening of this service is free of charge, but Arza has the right to decide whether to charge for this service itself or adjust the auto-renewal cycle and fees based on business needs or market changes, and announce it on relevant pages.

IV. Validity Period and Termination of the Agreement

This Agreement becomes effective from the date when the member chooses to accept or use this service until the termination of the member's service/cancellation of the member's qualification.
Members have the right to terminate this service at any time. For specific methods, please refer to Article 3, Item 5 of this Agreement.
The instructions entrusted by the member to Arza for automatic renewal and deduction before choosing to terminate this service are still valid. Arza is not obliged to refund the fees deducted based on this instruction, and the member shall bear the relevant responsibility.
V. Breach of Contract Liability
In case of a breach, the party performing the contract has the right to obtain compensation through the dispute resolution method agreed upon by both parties.

VI. Dispute Resolution and Applicable Law

The interpretation, validity, and execution of this Agreement are subject to the laws of the actual operating location of this platform.
Disputes arising during the performance of this Agreement should be resolved through consultation between the parties. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, either party has the right to submit the dispute to the court of the actual operating location of this platform.


If you have any questions, you can contact us at